
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lots Of Upcoming Pressure Wash Events!

Well, I have tons of news to tell you about. First of all, we are going to have a Grand Opening celebration for our new store in Lawrenceville on March 19 & 20. We’re proud of our new digs and would love to have you all come and see them.

We have incorporated a Roundtable theme to this event, and have some great speakers lined up. Our focus for these speakers is Building Sales, and I think every contractor will get something solid to help him grow his company.

We will feed you and we have a lot of outdoor demos and some incredible sale prices to offer. These deals will be the best prices of the year, so if you are in the market for anything bring your Visa card. If the speakers and the sale prices and the warmer weather aren’t enough to get you to drive to Georgia, how about a 50” Panasonic plasma HDTV or a new Wii console? Those are the prizes we will be giving away on Saturday. You will get an entry to the drawing for every part of the event that you participate in, so if you start out Friday morning with us your chances of winning will be outstanding!

We will also be offering a new one-day class for contractors. The class will cover everything from starting up a company to environmental cleaning techniques, along with outlines of residential and small commercial specialties like house washing, roof washing, and deck restoration. Here’s the best part: this class is being sponsored by Sun Brite, so instead of the normal $199 tuition, the class will be FREE.

That’s far from all of the news. We will also be in New Orleans for the great NOLA Roundtable in February and offering the same class there. Sign up SOON for this one! We will try to be at most of the National Cleaning Expo events this year to hang with our friends and meet some new ones.

On top of all that, we are giving away a brand new hot water skid again in September as part of the NCE Roundtable in SC. We had so much fun doing that last year that we just couldn’t help doing it again! Rumor has it that we are going to top last year’s prize, but we’ll leave that as a rumor for the time being.

When you attend any NCE Roundtable you are entered into the drawing for this skid, so try your best to go to as many Roundtables this year as possible. To sign up for any NCE event, click here. To sign up for our Grand Openeing stuff, click here. I’ll see you!


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