
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Green Cleaning

Green is the color of money these days, and contractors are waking up to new potential markets by advertising "green". The general public has been made aware of green products in the supermarket, and they expect no less from the people they hire. TV news features stories about water conservation and "green" issues every day. Even trade publications put a heavy emphasis on "green cleaning".

So, let me repeat: Green is the color of money these days.

You will be bombarded with exaggerated claims about products over the next couple of years. Everyone will be touting their new environmentally-friendly cleaners. Some sellers will make legitimate claims, but many will just be re-labeling the same old stuff in a new wrapper.

Trust that the SBS Team has been working a lot of late nights and even weekends to testing new products. We have spent months on a soy-based graffiti remover, for example. We just won't release it until the product is right.

In the meantime, be skeptical of too-good-to-be-true claims.

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