People decide to join (or not join) their trade organization(s) for several different reasons. Motives for joining are reasonably easy to identify. Some business owners are motivated by the desire to be a part of a group, some need the benefits of belonging to a group, some do it for networking opportunities, some for education, and some do it for marketing. Reasons for not joining include not wanting to be a part of ‘the establishment’ of the industry (reverse psychology- taking pride in not belonging), or an unwillingness to invest money in membership if they can’t see an immediate return on the investment (the “what do I get for my dues dollar” approach). Vendors like Sun Brite Supply belong to many trade groups to be as visible as possible and to support the contractors who are their customers.
Another reason some don’t join is that they view internet networking as a viable alternative to actual association membership. The idea that being a frequent poster or troll on a BBS is an alternative to joining a professional organization is like saying folding your hands before you eat is just as good as going to church every Sunday. Nevertheless, the internet is truly a networking venue and a place to seek information and some folks consider this an alternative to belonging to a professional organization.
By nature, the people drawn to doing pressure washing for a living are an independent bunch. Entrepreneurs are always independent people. That independent nature does not make someone prone to join any association or group.
So, since joining is somewhat against our natures, why do many join anyway?
The answer varies from individual to individual, along the lines of the motives listed above. The different reasons for joining lead to different kinds of members, too. The folks who sign up for education tend to be just beginning their business careers and have a tendency to only belong to an association for a year or two until they get enough of the educational advantage they joined for. They seldom re-up after they have learned what they wanted to learn. Those who join for marketing purposes want to add association logos to their advertisements and proposals, and they often tend to belong to their associations forever.
We are lucky because we have two associations that represent our industry – UAMCC and PWNA. Between the two organizations, hundreds of contractors have logos to use that set them apart from competitors. Why not thousands instead of hundreds? If thousands joined, these organizations could do so much more for their members and their industry.
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