
Friday, January 15, 2010

Why is a Lubova Vacuum Surface Cleaner the best choice for contractors?

Vacuum surface cleaners are expensive tools. You start out with a standard flat surface cleaner and modify it to attach to a vacuum and suck up the used wash water before it leaks out and runs down the drain. We sell and service several brands, which gives us a good feel for what is on the market and which company is innovative.

Many vacuum surface cleaners begin their lives as standard surface cleaner models that are modified for vacuuming. If you start with a quality tool, the initial cost to purchase is a sizeable chunk. Then, you take it apart and re-build it with modifications to make it a vacuum surface cleaner, there is a lot of labor and custom parts that go into the finished product. It is not unusual for theses vacuum surface cleaners to have pricetags that approach $2000 each.

When someone like us sells equipment, we get to compare the differences between different brands and models.

As much as we have specialized in environmental cleaning equipment for the last five or six years, we have seen just about everything on the market. When it comes to vacuum surface cleaners, we choose to recommend the Lubova because we think they are the best - judged by design, performance, quality, and value.

Let’s look at design first. All designs have an inner pan that delivers vacuum to the outside edge of the body of the surface cleaner. The Lubova models (which are made by Mosmatic) only have a single vacuum port. Other brands tend to have two, three, and four vacuum ports. An inexperienced person looks at models with a larger number of ports and thinks “It must be better because it has more”. That just simply isn’t true.

Brands with multiple ports are made that way to deliver an equal amount of vacuum to the entire diameter of the body of the surface cleaner, which sounds great. A single port used with their inner pan would unevenly distribute the vacuum. Lubovas have a very different inner pan, which distributes vacuum only around the outside edge diameter, not in the center area. Not only does this make the force of the vacuum more efficient, it does that with fewer parts and less weight. The result is superior performance with fewer parts.

From a performance standpoint, Lubova’s unique ‘single-port-and-unique-inner-pan’ design allows you to use a slightly smaller vacuum to get the same result. Less weight, easier maneuverability, and uses a less expensive vacuum. Hmmmmm.

From the quality standpoint, this is an area where the Lubova (by Mosmatic) shines. The body is all stainless steel, and the spinner (the heart of any flat surface cleaner) is Swiss-made and extremely high quality. The bearing is sealed and never needs lubrication. In all the years we have sold Mosmatics, we have never had one returned with a manufacturing defect, either. Now that is quality we can live with.

Finally, let’s look at value. A 21” Lubova goes for about $1200, compared to smaller multi-port models that sell for hundreds more. That’s value you can take to the bank.

We have had contractors shy away from the Lubova models because of the single port design, but once we are able to show them the performance characteristics and show them the differences in design we always win the sale.

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